Posted on November 10th 2019 --------------------------- Year is around and you are again kindly invited to participate in the 33rd Slovenian Open Fly Tying Championship for the year 2020, the oldest fly tying competition in Europe, organised by the Fly tying section of the Slovenian Fishing Association.
Please take a look at the details of the contest below...
Attention! "Deadline" for sending your patterns is 31st January 2020, meaning that the date on the post stamp should be January 31st or earlier...
33rd Slovenian Open Fly Tying Championship 2020
Flyfishing section of theSlovenian Fishing Association (SFA or in Slovenian RZS- Ribiska Zveza Slovenije) is announcing the 33rd Slovenian Open Fly Tying Championship for the year 2020. Tyers participate in following categories: 1.Dry Flies 2.Nymphs & Wet Flies 3.Streamers 4.Realistic Flies Conditions of participation are:
Each flytyer is allowed to compete in each of the categories with one fly only, which must be sent in 2 samples. The chosen fly should not be a part of the tyers participation in any of his/her previous tying competitions.
Package with each sample should contain:
·Name of the fly (Known or new); ·Password to prove the fly's origin; ·Description of used materials (Recipe); ·Size and type of the hook used; ·Name of the animal that is being imitated (if possible a photograph as well! *This only considers category - Realistic Flies) Jury will automatically reject all samples that will contain natural insect parts (such as wings, legs, etc) as a part of the fly! 3. In the accompanying letter tyers must write their name, address, e-mail, telephone number, country for which they compete, names of the flies and passwords. Letter should be in the enclosed envelope together with the fly. Copies of those letters must be kept by the authors until the end of the competition.
4. For the judging of flies jury will consider the following criteria:·Proportions of the fly, ·firmness and technical aspect of the tying, ·suitability of the chosen materials, ·general impression and ·innovativeness; ·in the 4th category »imitating level« will be the most important criterion! 5. Jury holds the right to classify samples in different categories if necessary! 6. Decision of the jury is final! 7. Jury will consider all shipments that will carry a post stamp dated January 31st 2020 or earlier
8. Patterns should be sent to the following address: Ribiska Zveza Slovenije (for competition 2020) Trzaska 134 1001 Ljubljana SLOVENIA
Considering previous criteria jury will impart the best 3 flies in each category with practical prizes, licences for the best Slovenian fly fishing districts and diplomas. All participants will be previously informed about their achievements.
Posted on 13th May 2013 ---------------------------
And here we go! The official results are finally here. You can check them out at this link:povezava [link]
Congratulations to all participants! Hope to see your patterns again in 2014- and remember- the deadline for sending your flies to the 27th Slovenian Open Fly Tying Championship is 31st January 2014!
Posted on 25th September 2012 --------------------------- Year is around and you are again kindly invited to participate in the 26th annual Slovenian open fly tying championship for the year 2013, organized by the Fly tying section of the Slovenian Flyfishing Association.
Please take a look at the details of the contest below...
Attention! "Deadline" for sending your patterns is 31st January 2013!
26th Slovenian Open Fly Tying Championship 2013
Flyfishing section of theSlovenian Fishing Association (SFA or in Slovenian RZS- Ribiska Zveza Slovenije) is announcing the 26th annual Slovenian open fly tying championship for the year 2013. Tyers participate in following categories: 1.Dry Flies 2.Nymphs & Wet Flies 3.Streamers 4.Realistic Flies Conditions of participation are:
Each flytyer is allowed to compete in each of the categories with one fly only, which must be sent in 2 samples. The chosen fly should not be a part of the tyers participation in any of his/her previous tying competitions.
Package with each sample should contain:
·Name of the fly (Known or new); ·Password to prove the fly's origin; ·Description of used materials (Recipe); ·Size and type of the hook used; ·Name of the animal that is being imitated (if possible a photograph as well! *This only considers category - Realistic Flies) Jury will automatically reject all samples that will contain natural insect parts (such as wings, legs, etc) as a part of the fly! 3. In the accompanying letter tyers must write their name, address, e-mail, telephone number, country for which they compete, names of the flies and passwords. Letter should be in the enclosed envelope together with the fly. Copies of those letters must be kept by the authors until the end of the competition.
4. For the judging of flies jury will consider the following criteria:·Proportions of the fly, ·firmness and technical aspect of the tying, ·suitability of the chosen materials, ·general impression and ·innovativeness; ·in the 4th category »imitating level« will be the most important criterion! 5. Jury holds the right to classify samples in different categories if necessary! 6. Decision of the jury is final! 7. Jury will consider all samples that will reach the following address by the 31st January 2013
8. Patterns should be sent to the following address: Ribiska Zveza Slovenije (for competition 2013) Trzaska 134 1001 Ljubljana SLOVENIA
Considering previous criteria jury will impart the best 3 flies in each category with practical prizes, licences for the best Slovenian fly fishing districts and diplomas. All participants will be previously informed about their achievements.
Posted on 18th February 2012 ---------------------------
Fly Tying Commission of the Slovenian Fishing Association has evaluated all flies in all categories today. Most flies were sent in the "dry fly" and "nymph" categories, a little less in the "streamer" category and the least in the "realistic" category, as usual.
Flies passwords will be mapped with the tiers names by the Fishing Association Office which will also calculate the results, till the end of this month. Fly Tying Commission of the Slovenian Fishing Association will verify the results and after that post the official results in the media. All participants will be personally informed about their result.
Posted on 15th November 2011 --------------------------- Year is around and you are again kindly invited to participate in the 25th annual Slovenian open fly tying championship for the year 2012, organized by the Fly tying section of the Slovenian Flyfishing Association.
Please take a look at the details of the contest below...
Attention! "Deadline" for sending your patterns is 31st January 2012!
25th Slovenian Open Fly Tying Championship 2012
Flyfishing section of theSlovenian Fishing Association (SFA or in Slovenian RZS- Ribiska Zveza Slovenije) is announcing the 25th annual Slovenian open fly tying championship for the year 2012. Tyers participate in following categories: 1.Dry Flies 2.Nymphs & Wet Flies 3.Streamers 4.Realistic Flies Conditions of participation are:
Each flytyer is allowed to compete in each of the categories with one fly only, which must be sent in 2 samples. The chosen fly should not be a part of the tyers participation in any of his/her previous tying competitions.
Package with each sample should contain:
·Name of the fly (Known or new); ·Password to prove the fly's origin; ·Description of used materials (Recipe); ·Size and type of the hook used; ·Name of the animal that is being imitated (if possible a photography as well! *This only considers category - Realistic Flies) Jury will automatically reject all samples that will contain natural insect parts (such as wings, legs, etc) as a part of the fly! 3. In the accompanying letter tyers must write their names, addresses, names of the flies and passwords. Letter should be in the enclosed envelope together with the fly. Copies of those letters must be kept by the authors until the end of the competition.
4. For the judging of flies jury will consider the following criteria:·Proportions of the fly, ·firmness and technical aspect of the tying, ·suitability of the chosen materials, ·general impression and ·innovativeness; ·in the 4th category »imitating level« will be the most important criterion! 5. Jury holds the right to classify samples in different categories if necessary! 6. Decision of the jury is final! 7. Jury will consider all samples that will reach the following address by the 31st January 2012
8. Patterns should be sent to the following address: Ribiska Zveza Slovenije (for competition 2012) Trzaska 134 1001 Ljubljana SLOVENIA
Considering previous criteria jury will impart the best 3 flies in each category with practical prizes, licences for the best Slovenian fly fishing districts and diplomas. All participants will be previously informed about their achievements.
Posted on 10th April 2010 ---------------------------
Official results are finally here! Full report with pics of the awarded patterns and results is online. Please download it from: povezava [link]
Congratulations to all participants for sending outstanding patterns and I sincerely hope to see you all next year on the 24th Slovenian Open Fly Tying Contest 2011. Please remember to send two identical patterns in a category, and that you don´t miss the deadline for sending your patterns- 31.01.2011!
Posted on 26th February 2010 ---------------------------
Jury has just finished with work. It took them 8 hours to judge all flies (more than 80 different patterns), so please expect the results soon. We still don´t know the names of the fly tiers, so results have to be merged with names first. Then we have to verify them and after that, they will be posted. Each fly tier will receive a formal letter about his/ her result.
Regards, Luka Hojnik President of the fly fishing section of the Slovenian Fishing Association
Posted on 11th October 2009 --------------------------- Year is around and you are again kindly invited to participate in the 23rd annual Slovenian open fly tying contest for the year 2010, organized by the Fly tying section of the Slovenian Flyfishing Association.
Please take a look at the details of the contest here: povezava [link]
Attention! "Deadline" for sending your patterns is 31st January 2010!
23rd Slovenian Open Fly Tying Contest 2010
Flyfishing section of theSlovenian Fishing Association (SFA or in Slovenian RZS- Ribiska Zveza Slovenije) is announcing the 23rd annual Slovenian open fly tying contest for the year 2010. Tyers participate in following categories: 1.Dry Flies 2.Nymphs & Wet Flies 3.Streamers 4.Realistic Flies Conditions of participation are:
Each flytyer is allowed to compete in each of the categories with one fly only, which must be sent in 2 samples. The chosen fly should not be a part of the tyers participation in any of his/her previous tying competitions.
Package with each sample should contain:
·Name of the fly (Known or new); ·Password to prove the fly's origin; ·Description of used materials (Recipe); ·Size and type of the hook used; ·Name of the animal that is being imitated (if possible a photography as well! *This only considers category - Realistic Flies) Jury will automatically reject all samples that will contain natural insect parts (such as wings, legs, etc) as a part of the fly! 3. In the accompanying letter tyers must write their names, addresses, names of the flies and passwords. Letter should be in the enclosed envelope together with the fly. Copies of those letters must be kept by the authors until the end of the competition.
4. For the judging of flies jury will consider the following criteria:·Proportions of the fly, ·firmness and technical aspect of the tying, ·suitability of the chosen materials, ·general impression and ·innovativeness; ·in the 4th category »imitating level« will be the most important criterion! 5. Jury holds the right to classify samples in different categories if necessary! 6. Decision of the jury is final! 7. Jury will consider all samples that will reach the following address by the 31st January 2010
8. Patterns should be sent to the following address: Ribiska Zveza Slovenije (for competition 2010) Trzaska 134 1001 Ljubljana SLOVENIA
Considering previous criteria jury will impart the best 3 flies in each category with practical prizes, licences for the best Slovenian fly fishing districts and diplomas. All participants will be previously informed about their achievements.
Posted on 10th November 2008 ---------------------------------
22nd Slovenian Open Fly Tying Contest 2009
Flyfishing section of theSlovenian Fishing Association (SFA or in Slovenian RZS- Ribiska Zveza Slovenije) is announcing the 22nd annual Slovenian open fly tying contest for the year 2009. Tyers participate in following categories: 1.Dry Flies 2.Nymphs & Wet Flies 3.Streamers 4.Realistic Flies Conditions of participation are:
Each flytyer is allowed to compete in each of the categories with one fly only, which must be sent in 2 samples. The chosen fly should not be a part of the tyers participation in any of his/her previous tying competitions.
Package with each sample should contain:
·Name of the fly (Known or new); ·Password to prove the fly's origin; ·Description of used materials (Recipe); ·Size and type of the hook used; ·Name of the animal that is being imitated (if possible a photography as well! *This only considers category - Realistic Flies) Jury will automatically reject all samples that will contain natural insect parts (such as wings, legs, etc) as a part of the fly! 3. In the accompanying letter tyers must write their names, addresses, names of the flies and passwords. Letter should be in the enclosed envelope together with the fly. Copies of those letters must be kept by the authors until the end of the competition.
4. For the judging of flies jury will consider the following criteria:·Proportions of the fly, ·firmness and technical aspect of the tying, ·suitability of the chosen materials, ·general impression and ·innovativeness; ·in the 4th category »imitating level« will be the most important criterion! 5. Jury holds the right to classify samples in different categories if necessary! 6. Decision of the jury is final! 7. Jury will consider all samples that will reach the following address by the 31st december 2008
8. Samples should be sent to the following address: Ribiska Zveza Slovenije (za natecaj 2009) Trzaska 134 1001 Ljubljana SLOVENIA
Considering previous criteria jury will impart the best 3 flies in each category with practical prizes and diplomas. All participants will be previously informed about their achievements.
FAS-Flyfishing Section President: Mag. Andrej Ferlan