Do you want to give a quality tying vice to your friend or a family member as a gift? Nothing easier! Just call us and we will arrange that for you. You may also order an engraving in the vice base. -- Georg Christel (NEM), the absolute winner of the Slovenian Open Fly Tying Contest 2010, was awarded by the gold- plated fly tying vice from the top of our line! We congratulate him again for this outstanding achievement!
Drago Keržič innovates and manufactures unique fly fishing tackle. Quality tackle, used by the tiers and fly fishermen all over the world, is produced in his workshop.
First products were introduced to the market in 1981, especially because of the need for improvement the tackle in that time. Soon the demand arose and professional approach was implemented in our production. Development is an important component for us. Soon, new products will be introduced, everything to satisfy the demanding costumers from all over the globe.
We will be honored to introduce our products to you. Our motto is: innovation, quality, for a modest price!