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Muharjenje v Sloveniji - Flyfishing in Slovenia :: Forums :: Muharjenje v Sloveniji [Flyfishing in Slovenia] :: Splošno [General topics]
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Moderators: luckyluke
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Sunday 14 May 2006 - 10:36:26

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578

Hi to everyone and welcome to our forum board!

Since there is really a lot of foreign visitors at the povezava [link] website and not so many here, at the forum board, I´ve decided to make this little notice which should be considered as an invitation to all of you, who don´t understand slovenian language, but wish to participate at our forum board!

If you wish to post your questions at our forum board, please feel free to do it. Forum board in constructed in such a way that everyone may participate at it, even in foreign language- ok, I will suggest English here, since I believe most of the users understand it

So... just pick a topic or thread you wish to participate in and post your question, comment, etc. We will be really glad to read it and to answer it!

Tight lines,

[ Edited Wednesday 01 November 2006 - 19:32:30 ]
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Sunday 14 May 2006 - 12:19:41

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Hey Aitor!

Welcome to our forum board:P I hope you will get all necessary information about flyfishing in Slovenia here...

If you will have any problems regarding this forum board or its settings please write them down, and I will try to help you

Tight lines,
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Sunday 14 May 2006 - 13:23:35
Registered Member #90
Joined: Sunday 14 May 2006 - 12:03:26
Posts: 9

Dober prijem.

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Sunday 18 June 2006 - 00:57:09
Registered Member #96
Joined: Sunday 18 June 2006 - 00:45:18
Posts: 4

I'm Claudio a flyfisherman from Florence and this is my first message on this forum!

Thank's for alls informations in this website, all very interesting!

See you soon,

Sorry for my poor english!
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Sunday 18 June 2006 - 10:01:41

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
"Claudio_Fi" wrote ...

I'm Claudio a flyfisherman from Florence and this is my first message on this forum!

Thank's for alls informations in this website, all very interesting!

See you soon,

Sorry for my poor english!

Hey Claudio, we are glad that you found us I hope this forum board will serve you right.

Thank you and enjoy your stay with us

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Friday 23 June 2006 - 17:20:00

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Dear forumers!

I am very pleased to inform you about my new »Flyfishing in Slovenia« website at the following address: povezava [link] .

Site was renovated just to offer a flyfishermen who wants to come to Slovenia a completely new user´s experience, a wide range of information, pictures, news, etc. I will do my best to refresh the content as regularly as possible.

Of course you are still kindly invited to post at our forum board which also got a completely new layout or to upload your flyfishing pics from slovenian flyfishing districts at our flyfishing gallery.

!!IMPORTANT- you may log in to the new »Flyfishing in Slovenia« website by using your existing username and password from the old forum board, so you don´t need to register again !! Registration will be neccessary only for newcomers who didn´t have an user account at our old forum board !!

So enter the world of flyfishing in Slovenia at povezava [link] !

Tight lines,
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Monday 26 February 2007 - 18:45:23

Registered Member #145
Joined: Monday 26 February 2007 - 17:46:14
Posts: 2
Hi Luka,

I just signed in on the forum. The first time I visited the Soca was in 1986. My parents took me and my sister to Bovec where we stayed with Tony's Kayak Camp. A very nice guy who even spoke Dutch.

Since then I regularly dream away from reality and spend some time on the Soca. I returned several times. Last august a friend and I fished for 5 days near Tolmin and we explored the unique variety of rivers we found from your website and Tolmin club's website.

Normally I am not so active on forums myself but I enjoy reading all the discussions. As most of your forum members communicate in Slovenian I hope to get some more knowledge about the fly fishing near Tolmin by joining the forum myself.

Halfway april I may visit the Tolmin area for a week fishing. Ofcourse the weather can be of great influence then. Is there a specific difference in insectlife between the Soca, the Indrija and other rivers?
Are there specific insects hatching that early in the season?

Which kind of streamers / muddlers / weighted nymphs are most effective with high water levels?

Hope any members have some nice info?!


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Tuesday 27 February 2007 - 23:17:57

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Hey Forager,,,

I am very glad to have you here at our forum board! As I understand your writing, you also became addicted to Soca valley, to river Soca with all its wonderful tributaries, great scenery and friendly people who live there. Well, I must say "join the club" I love that place too and I know that there are many flyfishermen at this forum board who share the very same feelings about it

It is hard to make provisions about the weather conditions for a month or more in advance, but I think, generally speaking, that you won´t have any troubles with flyfishing at the Tolmin area, regarding water levels, etc. Maybe at that time fish won´t get so active, like in middle-late May or even in June, but nevertheless you might expect nice fishing.

Rivers, managed by the FC Tolmin differ very much from one another, so it is hard to say which flies would be the best choice. But you may never fail by using some nice little blue-dun or natural gray CDC patterns (CDC&elks, F-flies, different variations of emergers or flymphs, tied with partridge and CDC fibers), sedges (brown, black, silver- grizzly), witches, tied on hooks #16 - #18, classic hare´s ears nymphs, copper johns, caddis larvae, shrimps (gamarus), but don´t forget to bring your streamer "arsenal" with you- muddler minows, tied with elk, combined with marabou in light gray, dark brown, olive and black colours, wooly buggers, etc., tied on larger hooks (with a length of a streamer 10+cm) and combined with a sinking line on a strong rod (#8) would be the best choice for large marmoratas in higher water levels.

That´s it for now, but if you have any further questions please feel free to write them down

Tight lines (Dober prijem),

[ Edited Tuesday 27 February 2007 - 23:22:35 ]
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Wednesday 28 February 2007 - 10:46:11

Registered Member #145
Joined: Monday 26 February 2007 - 17:46:14
Posts: 2
Thanks for the useful information!

Wish I was so 'Lucky' to live a bit closer to the Soca valley!
From Holland it's over a 1000km drive.

I could find some 'Witch' patterns by google but I guess you meant to write mitches instead of witches?

I prefer fishing with fine tackle in clear conditions but when the water isn't so clear I'd like to try on the bigger marmoratas.
I have seen locals fishing with streamers tied on jigheads. I personally prefer less weighted patterns in combination with a very fast sinking line. Are there specific riverparts known for big marmoratas?

No more questions for now...


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Monday 05 November 2007 - 10:55:23

Registered Member #200
Joined: Monday 05 November 2007 - 10:12:43
Posts: 21
Dobar dan poštovani Prijatelji!
Kako pripadam "strancima"( živim u Beogradu) red je da se prijavim kao novi član Vašeg sajta. Moram da dodam da je forum odličan i da se ima šta pročitati i naučiti.
Moje intersovanje FF je ipak novijeg datuma (skoro 40 godina sam bio varaličar) a sada jako mnogo vremena provodim trenirajući Fly Casting i motam muhe. To mi pričinjava zadovoljstvo i postaje način življenja jer sam i po struci vezan za prirodu i ribolov.
Toliko za sada i verujem da ćemo se lepo družiti na sajt.
Puno pozdrava svim članovima

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Monday 05 November 2007 - 13:04:14

Registered Member #45
Joined: Thursday 29 September 2005 - 09:20:35
Posts: 218
Zox alias ZORAN dobrodošao na našem, Lukinom, zajedničkom forumu ! Nadam se da dobro razumeš slovesko, tako da češ shvačati očemu sve pričamo !! Ovo je jedan boljih foruma na prostorima bivše Yuge, zato smo veseli svakog novog člana, koji djeli isto ili slična shvačanja o prirodi i mušičarenju na tim prostorima. Koliko posječujem forume na vašem govornom području, shvačam da se pozitivni trend spuštanja ribe za buduča pokolenja, polako ali sigurno uvlači i u vaše prostore.Zaista mi je žao što su neke vaše najlepše rjeke, kao što je Drina, tako uništine i opljačkane sa mrežama, eksplozivom i "tirolholcom".........

Ljepi pozdrav i još jedanput dobrodošao !


[ Edited Tuesday 06 November 2007 - 11:15:04 ]
"catch the memory - release the fish!"
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Monday 05 November 2007 - 14:09:20

Registered Member #200
Joined: Monday 05 November 2007 - 10:12:43
Posts: 21
MVM hvala na dobro došlici!
Verujem da ću se relativno lako snaći i učestvovati na ovom forumu jer sam odrastao u nekim drugim vremenima kad samo i mi ovde gledali svake 3-će nedelje Dnevnik na slovenačkom S druge strane puno prijatelja, mušičara, imam u SLO i oni su mi i preporučili baš ovaj sajt. Mi u srbiji imamo nekoliko ali najkvalitetniji je povezava [link].
Nažalost naše reke jesu stvarno opustošene i značajna aktivnost koja nam predstoji je da pokušamo da utičemo na Državu i Korisnike određenih voda dase uvede red a preko foruma se utiče na promenu svesti ljudi koji, nepostojanjem zakonske regulative ili njenim nesprovođenjem čine SVE da napune zamrzivače i svoje novčanike.
Kako već rekoh delatnost sajta povezava [link] se bazira i na pomoći početnicima kao što su razni seminari i okupljanja. Najsvežiji je Fly Casting Day na Adi Ciganiliji, u centru Beograda, kada je EFFA instruktor Aco Ivanović održao 3časovni seminar, besplatno za sve zainteresovane. Sajt se potrudio da svi koji su imali želju da se pojave po hladnom i vetrovitom vremenu i pogledaju šta su prezentacioni zabačaji su nakon toga toga mogli da se druže uz vojnički pasulj u obližnjem restoranu.
Nadam se da i članovima ovog sjta neće smetati moje pisanje na srpskom jeziku i da ćemo se lepo razumeti. :beer
Puno pozdrava Zox ( Zoran)

[ Edited Monday 05 November 2007 - 14:13:10 ]
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Monday 05 November 2007 - 22:28:48

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Zox prav lepo pozdravljen na forumu!

Me zelo veseli, da tudi v Srbiji, kjer imate nedvomno bogato muharsko tradicijo, poznate našo spletno stran in obiskujete naš forum. Vsi skupaj se trudimo, da bi nas združeval pri tistem, kar imamo tako zelo radi- pri muharjenju.

Žal mi je, ko berem, da so nekatere srbske reke v slabem stanju, kar se tiče postrvje in lipanske populacije Po drugi strani pa sem vesel, da se zavest o tem tudi pri vas krepi in da se bodo morda stvari vendarle kmalu začele obračati na bolje. Tudi stran, katere link si objavil, bo nedvomno prispevala k temu. Ustvarjalcem vse pohvale zanjo!

Sodeč po tem, kar si napisal je tudi v Srbiji kar nekaj zanesenjakov, ki se trudijo za to, da bi muharjenje pridobilo na veljavi in da bi se z vodami pričelo ustrezno upravljati. Moram priznati, da situacije v vaši državi kar se tega tiče ne poznam najbolje, kljub temu pa si seveda želim, da bi v svojih prizadevanjih uspeli. Nenazadnje je to lahko tudi pomemben prispevek k ohranjanju narave, biotopov avtohtonih ribjih vrst, itd.

Zox, upam, da se boš med nami dobro počutil in da se morda kdaj tudi srečamo z muharico v roki!

Lep muharski pozdrav muharskim kolegom v Srbiji ,

[ Edited Monday 05 November 2007 - 22:29:47 ]
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Tuesday 06 November 2007 - 15:08:40

Registered Member #200
Joined: Monday 05 November 2007 - 10:12:43
Posts: 21
Hvala na toploj dobrodošlici u svoje a i ime drugara iz Srbije koji posećuju ovaj sajt ali nemaju hrabrosti da se registruju
Sve čestitke sajtu i onome što čini kvalitet a to su članovi foruma koji se trude da na najbolji način svojim postovima pokažu važnost flyfishinga kako za njih kao poklonike prirode tako i širenja svesti o ekologiji.
Nažalost dobro si upoznat sa situacijom kod nas (u Srbiji) ali uz pomoć ljudi koji su posvećeni muharenju pokušavamo da stvari pokrenemo na bolje uz pomoć ovakvih sajtova i druženja članova. Verujem i nadam se da ćemo lepo sarađivati kako ovde tako i na druženjima koja organizujemo ( i Vi i mi) :beer
Srdačan pozdrav, još jednom svim prijateljima članovima i posetiocima sajta.
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Saturday 22 March 2008 - 14:05:03
Registered Member #260
Joined: Saturday 22 March 2008 - 12:57:30
Posts: 1
Hello everybody!
This is raphaël from France. I'm 34, have two kids and live by the river Loire where I fish mainly pikeperch and then all kind of fish, trout rivers are not so far from my house and I visit them from time to time.
I went three times in Most na Soci in '98, '99 and 2001 and I think i'll come back in a short time. I had enjoy a lot Idrijca and Baca, I had spent lot of good time on graylings and wild rainbow and had many strong emotions with marmoratas. My next trip there will have the aim to catch at least one very big marble trout, that I nearly succeed to do last time. I'll always remember the attack of big marbles on "small" trouts that were at the end of my thin dry line! And I ll always remember my attempts with big streamers when an enormous one (about 12 to 15 kg) following my bait and returning to this deep pool of Idrijca...
Anyway, on 2001, I 've been little bit deceived by the amount stocked fish and I hope the situation has improved for wild fish.
Well, I'll have many question to ask before coming back to Most or Tolmin concerning these big trouts and maybe huchos. But before, I think I 'll try Irish salmon... So short life for so many fish to hook!

See you.

Human specy is running to its collapsing but global ecosystem will overcome in some millions of years.
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Sunday 23 March 2008 - 13:08:04
Registered Member #93
Joined: Friday 02 June 2006 - 18:04:16
Posts: 127
Dear Raphael,

There are more marble trouts now then in 2001. The allowed taking size was increased 4 years ago from 40 to 60cm :beer In addition, No kill zones were introduced

So, the big marbles are waiting for you

Tight lines!

[ Edited Sunday 23 March 2008 - 13:46:51 ]

Maji wenye samaki
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Sunday 23 March 2008 - 13:46:17

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
raphaël wrote ...

Hello everybody!
This is raphaël from France. I'm 34, have two kids and live by the river Loire where I fish mainly pikeperch and then all kind of fish, trout rivers are not so far from my house and I visit them from time to time.
I went three times in Most na Soci in '98, '99 and 2001 and I think i'll come back in a short time. I had enjoy a lot Idrijca and Baca, I had spent lot of good time on graylings and wild rainbow and had many strong emotions with marmoratas. My next trip there will have the aim to catch at least one very big marble trout, that I nearly succeed to do last time. I'll always remember the attack of big marbles on "small" trouts that were at the end of my thin dry line! And I ll always remember my attempts with big streamers when an enormous one (about 12 to 15 kg) following my bait and returning to this deep pool of Idrijca...
Anyway, on 2001, I 've been little bit deceived by the amount stocked fish and I hope the situation has improved for wild fish.
Well, I'll have many question to ask before coming back to Most or Tolmin concerning these big trouts and maybe huchos. But before, I think I 'll try Irish salmon... So short life for so many fish to hook!

See you.

Hey Raphael!

Welcome to our fly fishing website!

Every season, there are a lot of French fly fishermen at the Slovenian rivers. It seems they really fell in love with the Tolminska region, with all its magnificent rivers, such as Soca, Tolminka, Idrijca, Baca, Trebuscica and Nadiza. Fishing in this region has always been a real pleasure. Marble trouts (marmoratas) always add a little more mysteriousness to it! They have a very special character, very different, compared to any other trout... Their lifestyle and feeding habits are very unique, so it is a real challenge for fly fishermen. If you´ve had an opportunity to "meet" the marble giants, then you probably know the way to catch them. Just for your information, as samaki has already written few moments ago, they still live in their pools, they still catch baitfish in the shallow water on the right days, so you are warmly welcome to try your luck this year too. I am sure you will be successful!

Tight lines,
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Tuesday 25 March 2008 - 21:31:10
Registered Member #262
Joined: Tuesday 25 March 2008 - 21:16:52
Posts: 1
Hi raphaël,

I and two friends have planned a trip for a week to the Soca and near rivers.We are leaving Holland on the 17th of may, our first time that we will fish in Slovenia, Looking out for it!

F... the magic, don`t ask why
but try to fish with a (dry-) fly!
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Tuesday 20 May 2008 - 20:09:40
Registered Member #289
Joined: Tuesday 20 May 2008 - 19:50:36
Posts: 1

I'm the new member for just now! Found the site today while at work and could not wait to get home to read through posts.

I am a Graphic Designer, based in Glasgow, Scotland and regularly fish the River Kelvin and Clyde, along with the Rivers Dee and Don, when I'm back home in Aberdeen.

My first trip to Slovenia was in May 2006 when we fished the Sava, Idrija, Soca, Tolminka and Krka. We went back last September and have just booked up again for this September, the 10th to the 17th and as usual, we are staying at The Zlata Ribica with Matej and his family.. what a nice hotel in a perfect setting.

Anyway.. That's it for the introduction..

Gonna spend the rest of the evening browsing through the site.

Tight Lines, Neil. (My girlfriend's website) (Mine)
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Tuesday 20 May 2008 - 21:43:46

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Hey FlyMan,,,

Welcome to the forum board!

I am very glad that you´ve found our website and I hope that it will provide you some useful information on fly fishing in Slovenia

Scotland is a fly fishing mecca too, so I hope that one day I will have a chance to wet my flies in your wonderful rivers

I wish you a nice "browsing" evening

Tight lines,

[ Edited Tuesday 20 May 2008 - 21:44:47 ]
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Tuesday 23 September 2008 - 21:40:31

Registered Member #334
Joined: Tuesday 23 September 2008 - 20:09:19
Posts: 3

Posteno na vodi...C&R from Serbia:muhar
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Wednesday 24 September 2008 - 22:27:59

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
GoranHARDY dobrodošel na portalu! Upam, da se boš med nami dobro počutil in da se kdaj srečamo tudi na kateri od naših rek z muharico v roki

Če boš potreboval kakšno pomoč ali nasvet glede delovanja portala pa mi prosim to sporoči.

Lep muharski pozdrav v Beograd,

[ Edited Wednesday 24 September 2008 - 22:28:27 ]
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Thursday 01 April 2010 - 22:08:55
Registered Member #439
Joined: Thursday 01 April 2010 - 20:42:42
Posts: 2

I'm Joey from Hungary, and i have a question. Where can i buy the fishing license for Sava Dolinka river? Can anyone help me?

Have a good night.
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Friday 02 April 2010 - 11:22:48

Registered Member #154
Joined: Tuesday 10 April 2007 - 14:05:34
Posts: 170
Hi joey!
Email to Anja and enjoj!
Savo Dolinko v celoti upravlja:
RD Jesenice
tel.: +38640 887 124
e-mail: -email-

PS:Upam,da niso podatki prestari,če ve kdo kaj več,pa naj me popravi.

[ Edited Friday 02 April 2010 - 11:25:16 ]
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Saturday 03 April 2010 - 20:37:40
Registered Member #439
Joined: Thursday 01 April 2010 - 20:42:42
Posts: 2
Hi Dede
Thank you very much for your help. I found a shop in bled (faunabled) where I can buy it.
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Wednesday 26 May 2010 - 21:50:23
Registered Member #449
Joined: Wednesday 26 May 2010 - 20:54:44
Posts: 1
Hi everybody,

I'm Yann from France (pronounce "jan"). I've two main passions in my life : skiing and flyfishing !

I've fished two times in Slovenia and I hope I would be able to come next September / October 2010.

My first time in Slovenia was in 2004, and I litteraly fall in love with your country, your rivers and all your fish !
In 2004, I fished my biggest rainbow, 75 cm in soca rivers.

I came back in 2005, perfect weather, but many big marmoratta missed ...:(

I've only been to Kobarid sector (soca, idrijca, tolminka, baca) and for next time I would like to enjoy some other rivers, maybe less known by foreigners ... And maybe stay 2 or 3 weeks ...
There's nothing sure yet, because my work takes me a lot of my time ... And it's quiet hard for me to take some long vacation. We'll see...

By the way, I will need some of your advices to plan my fishing trips and I hope you could help me.

I'm full of admiration with all the pictures you show on this website ! Please continue, it's a true pleasure to see it.
I think it will be hard for me to see same things during my whole life in France !

Best regards


Release your dreams.
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Thursday 27 May 2010 - 22:05:21

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Hey Yann!

Welcome to our forum board! And thanks a lot for your kind words, regarding our website and our country- it really is- simply beautiful

Many greetings to France,
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Monday 12 July 2010 - 20:57:45
Registered Member #452
Joined: Monday 12 July 2010 - 20:19:42
Posts: 1
Hello Everyone!
I'm Josh from West Virginia in the states.

I've been interested in fishing Slovenia for several years now and am finally in the planning process of a trip. Still have a while before I come to your wonderful country but thought I could get an early start on some info.

Sorry, i don't know much of the Slovenian language but am trying to learn.

I was hoping to be active on the tying forum and get aquainted with some local fly patterns. Also, maybe even show some of the flies I tie for the native brook trout here.

I'm unclear on few of the streams I was wanting to fish (if they are open to fishing). What is the proper forum to ask these questions? Don't want to ask about someones secret stream on an open forum Where can I find info about fishing around Mojstrana (one stream in particular)?

Thanks so much for having the forum. I'm really looking forward to learning about Slovenia!!

[ Edited Tuesday 13 July 2010 - 18:48:08 ]
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Wednesday 14 July 2010 - 00:41:56

Registered Member #45
Joined: Thursday 29 September 2005 - 09:20:35
Posts: 218
Fontinalis welcome to our forum ! I hope that it will provide you some useful information on fly fishing in Slovenia in district near the Mojstrana village.There are some interesting rivers for fly fishing like Sava Bohinjka, Radovna and Soča ;At these addresses you will find all necessary information : povezava [link]
povezava [link]
povezava [link]
and povezava [link]
I wish you a pleasant holiday in Slovenia and good water for fly fishing.
Best regards from MVM
"catch the memory - release the fish!"
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Friday 19 August 2011 - 19:48:13

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578

I wish to inform you about a new entry at our accommodation site. We present you a turist farm "Pri Kafolu", located in the Soca valley, in the middle of the fly fishing paradise, surrounded by beautiful rivers and a lake at Most na Soci.

You can make your reservation here: povezava [link]

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