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Muharjenje v Sloveniji - Flyfishing in Slovenia :: Forums :: Muharjenje v Sloveniji [Flyfishing in Slovenia] :: Splošno [General topics]
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Notice to our FOREIGN visitors!
Moderators: luckyluke
Author Post
Sunday 14 May 2006 - 10:36:26

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578

Hi to everyone and welcome to our forum board!

Since there is really a lot of foreign visitors at the povezava [link] website and not so many here, at the forum board, I´ve decided to make this little notice which should be considered as an invitation to all of you, who don´t understand slovenian language, but wish to participate at our forum board!

If you wish to post your questions at our forum board, please feel free to do it. Forum board in constructed in such a way that everyone may participate at it, even in foreign language- ok, I will suggest English here, since I believe most of the users understand it

So... just pick a topic or thread you wish to participate in and post your question, comment, etc. We will be really glad to read it and to answer it!

Tight lines,

[ Edited Wednesday 01 November 2006 - 19:32:30 ]
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