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Thursday 03 September 2009 - 08:01:56
Registered Member #397
Joined: Thursday 27 August 2009 - 07:42:57
Posts: 30
A pa ima kdo mogoče bolj natančne informacije o teh projektih? Naprimer kje točno se planirajo postavitve,kdaj...
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Wednesday 16 September 2009 - 13:01:10
Registered Member #397
Joined: Thursday 27 August 2009 - 07:42:57
Posts: 30
samaki wrote ...

Zanimivo bi bilo slišati, kaj menijo na RD Idrija, saj jim bo po uresničitvi tega načrta ostal samo še revir A na zgornji Idrijci,poleg tega pa imajo tudi bivšega predsednika za poslanca v parlamentu!?

Odgovor RD Idrije na moje pismo, kjer sprašujem o njihovem stališču do tega:

Za omenjeno verigo elektrarn na Idrijci smo prvič izvedeli pred kakšne pol leta in sicer zato, ker je Zavod za ribištvo pričel nekakšen popis ribjega življa v reki Idrijci. Seveda so nam pojasnili, da je to zgolj predpriprava za izdelavo projekta a smo se vseeno obrnili tudi na župana Idrije, ki je bil seznanjen z idejnim projektom gradnje elektrarn, hkrati pa je zagotovil, da zadeva ni resna in da bo občina Idrija zagotovo dala negativno mnenje, sicer pa projekt sploh še ni bil dan v javno razpravo in "zeleni" se še niso niti oglasili (vprašanje, če za to namero sploh vedo). Kolikor nam je pojasnil, so v "igri" tri idejne rešitve in sicer:
- ena velika elektrarna z akumulacijskim jezerom od Pirhovega klanca (Želina) do Sp. Idrije
- dve malo manjši elektrarni a z nepretrganima akumulacijskima jezeroma od Želina pa do Sp. Idrije
- tri manjše elektrarne z akumulacijskimi jezeri od Želina do Sp. Idrije.
Župana smo tudi prosili, da nas sproti seznanja z razvojem dogodkov, seveda pa bo tudi RD Idrija dala negativno mnenje, saj bi izgradnja omenjenih elektrarn dejansko pomenila konec obstoja naše ribiške družine.

[ Edited Wednesday 16 September 2009 - 13:02:53 ]
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Wednesday 23 September 2009 - 00:05:30

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2575
Hej JernejC,,,

Hvala za tole informacijo. Vsekakor je dobro, da je čim širši krog zainteresirane javnosti seznanjen z dogajanjem okrog načrtovane postavitve hidroelektrarn na Idrijci s pritoki. Najpomembneje pa je, da se občine, po katerih ozemlju tečejo vodotoki, ki jih nameravajo snovalci načrtov uničiti, zavedajo kaj bodo s tem izgubile. Upam, da bo tu svoje dodala tudi kakšna pametna glava na okoljskem ministrstvu. Okoljevarstvenikom (h katerim štejem tudi nas ribiče) je že dolgo jasno, da do te katastrofe za okolje preprosto ne sme priti.

Opis načrtovanih gradenj pa najdeš v enem od prvih samakijevih postov.

Hvala za objavo, če pa izveš kaj novega, pa nam prosi sporoči.

Lep muharski pozdrav,
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Wednesday 23 September 2009 - 10:52:48

Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37
Posts: 266

Unfortunately I can't understand your language, but based on some of the words that I read over the last 3 pages, it looks like something is threatening your beautiful rivers.

Can anybody tell me what it is all about?

Tight Lines !

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Wednesday 23 September 2009 - 12:29:06

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2575
Hey dickerson!

Yes, unfortunatelly you are right... For you and for other english speaking friends of Slovenia and its nature, here are some information regarding this matter...

New plans on building hydroelectric plants (HE) at the Soca and Idrijca rivers with its tributaries have been revealed and we are discussing about the catastrophic effects of such devaluation of nature for the area, for habitats of the endemic species and flora/ fauna in general and of course for the people, living in that area too.

We all agree that this should not happen. This topic is also intended to be a "container" of all information regarding this issue.

To summarize some of the posts:

Plans for the Idrijca river include one of the following solutions:
- one big HE with the accumulation lake from Spodnja Idrija to Želin
- two a bit smaller HE with the continuos accumulation lakes from Sp. Idrija to Želin
- three smaller HE with accumulation lakes from Sp. Idrija to Želin

Plans for water exploitation for other rivers include:
- dam at the baska Koritnica with the tunnel through which the water would be directed to the Baca river
- dam at the Baca river with the tunnel through which the water would be directed to the Idrijca river
- dam at the Trebuscica river with the tunnel through which the water would be directed to the Idrijca river
- dams at the upper Soca river in Čezsoča (near Bovec) or Kobarid or/and Kamno (above Tolmin)

We are aware of seriousness of this matter, so we are collecting all information we can in case, some action will be needed to protect our natural heritage with all means.


[ Edited Wednesday 23 September 2009 - 13:03:33 ]
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Wednesday 23 September 2009 - 17:45:47

Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37
Posts: 266

Thank you Luka for the update.

Last summer I discussed with our friend Samaki about such projects, but I didn’t understand (… or maybe I didn’t want to believe) that the threat was so close and so real.

What can I say?

The RD Tolmin and RD Idrija waters run through some of the most scenic and unspoiled valleys of Europe, but unfortunately they are extremely vulnerable, since they don’t belong to a strictly protected area like the Triglav National Park.

I’m afraid that the effects of the dam projects will be destructive, any one of them.
The upper Soca valley is a godsend treasure that doesn’t deserve to be brutalized by greedy businessmen and irresponsible bureaucrats.

A reservoir (or a series of reservoirs) between Spodnja Idrija and Zelin will ravage ten km. of pristine pastoral landscape and erase the most productive piece of marble trout habitat in the Alps.

The proposed dams on the Baca, Koritnica and Trebuscica are downright absurd: what volume of electric power can such small streams generate?

From a fly fishing standpoint, based on my experience on American rivers I’m well aware that water accumulation dams with bottom release gates can generate wonderful tailwater fisheries. On the other hand, we all know that hydroelectric plants are the worst type of dams: apart from representing an insurmountable barrier for the poor fish, they brutally diminish the water flow for many miles downstream.

Luka and Samaki, let me know if there’s anything that I can do in order to involve the Italian fly fishing community in the battle against the new barbarians.

Tight Lines !

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